Founded in 2014, Dark Planet Comics is an independent comic book imprint created by Annie, Eisner, and Ringo award-nominated animator/writer/director/comic book creator Stephan Franck (The Iron Giant; Marvel Studio’s “What If…?”).
Our first graphic novel series SILVER made a splash with a nomination for the prestigious Russ Manning Award for Best Newcomer to the Field of Comics at San Diego Comic Con’s Eisner Awards, and become an indy sensation. Since 2022, Silver continues building upon its grassroots success in partnership with Abrams ComicArts. The SILVER UNIVERSE continues with ROSALYND, a graphic novella presented as Rosalynd “Sledge” Van Helsing’s childhood diary.
Silver was followed by Stephan’s Ringo-Award-nominated neo-noir crime-mystery series PALOMINO and ROMANCE IN THE AGE OF THE SPACE GOD, a strange comic for and about strange times.
No part of the Dark Planet Comics journey could have been possible without our fans, and we are eternally grateful for their passion and readership. All of our books have had their initial print runs funded via Kickstarter, and we regularly exhibit at comic book and pop culture conventions where we love seeing our beloved readers in person.